また5月にはビジュアルコミュニケーションスタジオ、インテリアデザインスタジオと共にイタリアへ行き、ミラノ工科大学の学生と共に”WHAT TO DO WITH MY RUBBISH IN TOKYO”というワークショップに取り組みました。
- A1プロッター
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- スキャナー
株式会社富士通総研、株式会社ノムラデュオ、株式会社藤田建装 など
Verl Adams
Verl Adams is an architect and photographer. He investigates the perception of light through architectural space, and explores the capacity of architecture to create environments that increase our awareness of relationships between humans and nature, earth and sky, through spatial elements that capture and modulate the sun’s light. Before teaching at Tokyo Metropolitan University Verl taught architectural design at the University of Utah School of Architecture in the United States, and he worked as an architect and photographer in his studio in Salt Lake City, and in the San Francisco Bay Area in California.
Verl Adams is an architect and photographer. He investigates the perception of light through architectural space, and explores the capacity of architecture to create environments that increase our awareness of relationships between humans and nature, earth and sky, through spatial elements that capture and modulate the sun’s light. Before teaching at Tokyo Metropolitan University Verl taught architectural design at the University of Utah School of Architecture in the United States, and he worked as an architect and photographer in his studio in Salt Lake City, and in the San Francisco Bay Area in California.